Good Housekeeping VS Noro: Contemplating Fashion Knitting

Good Housekeeping: Learning to Knit

I found this at my Local Library Resale and it immediately made me think. Fashion knitting is nothing new but, when considering the fashion of the time, it would make sense that some patterns seem to look dated while others stand the test of time. Case in point, the premier issue of the Noro Magazine.

Granted, the Noro Mag will probably run the gamut of difficulty levels but will the patterns of today be relevant tomorrow? What I mean to say is, will you pick up a copy of the first Noro mag and want to knit anything in it 5, 10 or 20 years from now, or will you just flip through it and giggle at the hair and makeup?

Let's measure them up shall we?

Good Housekeeping 1966

Jacket with loop cuffs &
Jacket with loop collar
Flower appliqued open cardigan &
Crochet-edge embroidered open cardigan


Noro Magazine 2012

 Cap sleeve dress

Pom Pom Cape

Not much of a competition per se; more of a comparison really. Relative to one another, I would say that Noro has borrowed a bit form the past, as their designs and styling feel a bit retro. Good Housekeeping is not all that bad actually. Aside from the pom pom action in the first two cardigans, the sweaters could look current enough if you were to knit them today. So, in the end, I suppose it's a matter of taste really. Personally, I just love old pattern books but I can honestly say that, from now on, I may start integrating pattern collections of the present into my ever growing collection. So to answer my first question, the patterns of today will eventually be the vintage patterns of tomorrow.


  1. i kinda absolutely loved the noro mag. i just might be getting one more mag in my mailbox now >_>


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